A downloadable game for Windows and Android

A fangame of the blackmoor/maximus games

Currently contains 2 stages and 2 playables, final product has 5 playables and 10 stages planned

Use wasd to move, jkl to attack, and f to toggle fullscreen


knights against blackmoor.exe 63 MB
knights against blackmoor.apk 56 MB

Install instructions

Disclaimer: Windows detects knights as a potential virus as it has very few downloads. Until enough people download it, that warning will be persistent.

Development log


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nevermind the game isnt opening now, its saying it might be a virus just because it isnt downloaded by many people

That applies to every game I've uploaded here. Just hit the keep button if you wish to download it. It's unfortunate, but that's how it is unless the game gets more traction